Intermountain Center for Disaster and Preparedness
Comprehensive Training Center
4646 W. Lake Park Blvd.
West Valley City, UT 84120

Contact: Megan Curtis
Phone:  801-408-7060

Course Date: May 6, 2024

Course Location: 620 South 400 East St. George, Utah 84770 - Second Floor Conference Room

Cost: $30 contact Megan Curtis with any questions

Prerequisites: None

Click to register:

The Basic Disaster Life Support™ (BDLS®) course is a seven hour competency-based, awareness-level course that introduces concepts and principles to prepare health professionals for the management of injuries and illnesses caused by disasters and public health emergencies. The course builds upon, applies, and reinforces information presented in the Core Disaster Life Support® (CDLS®) course. This includes application of core principles and concepts in emergency management and public health as introduced in the CDLS course through the PRE-DISASTER Paradigm™ and DISASTER Paradigm™. The primary focus of the BDLS course is incorporation of an “all-hazards” approach to mass casualty management and population-based care across a broad range of disasters. Measures to ensure and enhance health workforce readiness are emphasized throughout the course. This includes a consistent and scalable approach to workforce protection and casualty management, as well as, mass casualty triage and fatality management.
